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Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce 750ml

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Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce 750ml

Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce is a premium quality condiment that adds a delightful savoury flavour to a wide range of dishes. Made from Fish Extract and salt, this fish sauce is a staple ingredient in many Southeast Asian cuisines, known for its rich umami taste and aroma. Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce is carefully crafted using traditional methods to ensure its authentic flavour and superior quality.

Serving Suggestions:

  1. Stir-Fries: Add a splash of Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce to your stir-fried vegetables, meats, or seafood dishes for an extra layer of savoury depth. It pairs particularly well with Asian stir-fry recipes.
  2. Dipping Sauce: Create a delicious dipping sauce by combining Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce with lime juice, minced garlic, chopped chili peppers, and a touch of sugar. Serve alongside spring rolls, grilled meats, or fresh vegetables for a burst of flavour.
  3. Marinades: Use Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce as a base for marinades. Combine it with ingredients like soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and a hint of sweetness to marinate chicken, pork, or seafood. Let the flavours meld together before grilling, baking, or frying.
  4. Noodle Dishes: Enhance the taste of your noodle dishes, such as Pancit Canton or Pancit Bihon, by incorporating Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce. Its umami-rich flavour will elevate the overall taste of the dish.
  5. Soups and Broths: Add a few dashes of Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce to your soups or broths for a robust and savoury flavour. It works well in seafood-based soups, miso soup, or even hearty vegetable soups.
  6. Salad Dressings: Create a unique salad dressing by combining Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce with ingredients like lime juice, honey, sesame oil, and herbs. Drizzle it over mixed greens, shredded vegetables, or fruit salads for a tangy and savoury twist.
  7. Add Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce to your favourite Filipino style Garlic Fried Rice it adds the secret touch to this popular rice dish.

Remember, a little goes a long way with fish sauce, so start with a small amount and adjust to taste. Silver Swan Patis Fish Sauce will enhance the flavour profile of your dishes and bring an authentic Southeast Asian touch to your culinary creations.

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Product of the Philippines.



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