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Silver Swan Cane Vinegar 1 Litre x 12

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Silver Swan Cane Vinegar 1 Litre

Manufactured using natural ingredients, Silver Swan Vinegar assures to provide that tamang asim and delicious taste to your favorite dishes.

Silver Swan Cane Vinegar is a premium-quality vinegar made from pure cane sugar. It is a versatile condiment that adds a tangy and delightful flavour to a variety of dishes. This vinegar undergoes a meticulous fermentation process to ensure its exceptional quality and distinct taste. With its smooth and balanced acidity, Silver Swan Cane Vinegar is a staple ingredient in Filipino cuisine and a popular choice for both cooking and dipping.

Serving Suggestions:

  1. Salad Dressing: Mix Silver Swan Cane Vinegar with olive oil, salt, and pepper to create a zesty vinaigrette for your favourite salads. Drizzle it over greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other fresh vegetables for a refreshing and tangy dressing.
  2. Adobo Marinade: Create a delicious marinade for chicken, pork, or beef by combining Silver Swan Cane Vinegar with soy sauce, garlic, and spices. Let the meat marinate for a few hours or overnight before grilling, baking, or sautéing for an authentic Filipino adobo dish.
  3. Dipping Sauce: Prepare a dipping sauce by mixing Silver Swan Cane Vinegar with minced garlic, chopped chili peppers, and a pinch of salt. It pairs perfectly with spring rolls, dumplings, or grilled meats, adding a vibrant and tangy element to your appetizers.
  4. Pickling: Use Silver Swan Cane Vinegar to make pickles or preserve vegetables. Combine the vinegar with salt, sugar, and your favourite spices, then pour it over sliced cucumbers, carrots, onions, or other vegetables. Let them sit in the refrigerator for a few days to develop the flavours and enjoy your homemade pickles.
  5. Seasoning: Add a splash of Silver Swan Cane Vinegar to soups, stews, and sauces to enhance their flavours. It works particularly well in dishes like sinigang (sour soup) or paksiw (stewed meat) where its tanginess complements the rich and savoury ingredients.

Remember, Silver Swan Cane Vinegar is a concentrated and flavourful condiment, so start with small amounts and adjust to your taste preferences. Whether you’re exploring Filipino cuisine or looking to elevate your everyday dishes, this cane vinegar is an excellent addition to your pantry.

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Product of the Philippines.

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